This highly interactive two-day course uses real life examples and explores proven techniques for reducing costs, usually by two-thirds, associated with implementing, and maintaining computer systems in regulated environments.

  • It details the requirements for Part 11 and Annex 11: SOPs, software product features, infrastructure qualification, and validation.
  • The instructor addresses the latest computer system industry standards for data security, data transfer, audit trails, electronic records and signatures, software validation, and computer system validation.
  • Understand the specific requirements associated with local and SaaS/cloud hosting solutions.
  • Nearly every computerized system used in laboratory, clinical, manufacturing settings and in the quality process has to be validated. Participants learn how to decrease software implementation times and lower costs using a 10-step risk-based approach to computer system validation.
  • The instructor reviews recent FDA inspection trends and discusses how to streamline document authoring, revision, review, and approval.
  • Participants will learn how to write a Data Privacy Statement to comply with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
  • This course benefits anyone that uses computer systems to perform their job functions and is ideal for professionals working in the health care, clinical trial, biopharmaceutical, and medical device sectors. It is essential for software vendors, auditors, and quality staff involved in GxP applications.

Learning Objectives:

  • Reduce costs, usually by two-thirds, for compliance with electronic records
  • Learn how to use electronic records and electronic signatures to maximize productivity
  • Understand what is expected in Part 11 and Annex 11 inspections so you are prepared
  • Avoid 483 and Warning Letters
  • Understand the responsibilities and specific duties of your staff including IT and QA
  • Understand your responsibilities and liabilities when using SaaS/cloud
  • Learn how to perform risk-based Computer System Validation using fill-in-the-blank templates
  • How to select resources and manage validation projects
  • "Right size" change control methods that allows quick and safe system evolution
  • Minimize validation documentation to reduce costs without increasing regulatory or business risk
  • Learn how to reduce testing time and write test cases that trace to elements of risk management
  • Learn how to comply with the requirements for data privacy
  • Learn how to buy COTS software and qualify vendors
  • Protect intellectual property and keep electronic records safe

In-Person Seminar going Virtual with increased learner satisfaction.

Yes, attend this seminar from anywhere. We are making it real and more interactive – Here's a sneak peek:

Our enhanced delivery process and technology provides you an immersive experience and will allow you to access:

  • The real-time and live presentation as in in-person events
  • Private chat for company-specific conversation – the same as you would get in an in-person seminar
  • Opportunities to connect with your peers to share knowledge at a different time and have group discussions
  • Live workshop activities
  • Live Q&A during the event and offline Q&A assistance after the event
  • As usual more content, activities and case studies and now adding homework for a comprehensive understanding
  • Certification

Who will Benefit:

  • GMP, GCP, GLP, regulatory professionals
  • QA/QC
  • IT
  • Auditors
  • Managers and directors
  • Software vendors, SaaS hosting providers

Interview with

David Nettleton, FDA Compliance Specialist
Register by phone or need assistance? Call +1-888-717-2436 Register Now Download Brochure
Day 01(9:00 AM - 3:00 PM PT)
  • Introduction to the FDA (1:30 hr)
    • How the regulations help your company to be successful
    • Which data and systems are subject to Part 11.
  • 21 CFR Part 11/Annex 11 - Compliance for Electronic Records and Signatures (3:30 hr)
    • What Part 11 means to you, not just what it says in the regulations
    • Avoid 483 and Warning Letters
    • Explore the four primary areas of Part 11 compliance: SOPs, software product features, infrastructure qualification, and validation documentation
    • How SaaS/cloud computing changes qualification and validation
    • Ensure data integrity, security, and protect intellectual property
    • Understand the current computer system industry standards for security, data transfer, and audit trails
    • Electronic signatures, digital pens, and biometric signatures
    • SOPs required for the IT infrastructure
    • Product features to look for when purchasing COTS software
    • Reduce validation resources by using easy to understand fill-in-the-blank validation documents.
  • The Five Keys to COTS Computer System Validation (30 Min)
    • The Who, What, Where, When, and Why of CSV
  • The Validation Team (30 Min)
    • How to select team members
    • How to facilitate a validation project
  • Ten-Step Process for COTS Risk-Based Computer System Validation (30 Min)
    continued on day 2
Day 02(9:00 AM - 3:00 PM PT)
  • Software demonstrations and discussions (30 Min)
  • Ten-Step Process for COTS Risk-Based Computer System Validation (30 Min)
    • Learn which documents the FDA expects to audit.
    • How to use the risk-based validation approach to lower costs.
    • How to link requirements, specifications, risk management, and testing.
    • Document a computer system validation project using easy to understand fill-in-the-blank templates.
    • Based on: "Risk-Based Software Validation - Ten Easy Steps" (Davis Horwood International and PDA -, 2006).
  • How to Write Requirements and Specifications (30 Min)
    • Workshop for writing requirements and then expanding them for specifications
  • How to Conduct a Hazard Analysis/Risk Assessment-Exercise (30 Min)
    • Step-by-step instructions for performing and documenting a risk assessment, and how to use the results to reduce validation documentation.
  • Software Testing (30 Min)
    • Reduce testing by writing test cases that trace to elements of risk management.
    • How to write efficient test cases
  • How to write a Data Privacy Statement (30 Min)
    • How to meet the requirements of the EU GDPR
  • Purchasing COTS Software (30 Min)
    • How to purchase COTS software and evaluate software vendors
  • Cost Reduction Without Increasing Regulatory or Business Risk (45 Min)
    • How to save money
    • How to increase quality
    • How to increase compliance with less documentation
Register by phone or need assistance? Call +1-888-717-2436 Register Now Download Brochure
David Nettleton

David Nettleton
FDA Compliance Specialist, Computer System Validation

Computer System Validation’s principal, David Nettleton is an industry leader, author, and teacher for 21 CFR Part 11, Annex 11, HIPAA, software validation, and computer system validation. He is involved with the development, purchase, installation, operation and maintenance of computerized systems used in FDA compliant applications.

He has completed more than 230 mission critical laboratory, clinical, and manufacturing software implementation projects. His most popular book is Risk Based Software Validation - Ten easy Steps, which provides fill-in-the-blank templates for completing a COTS software validation project.

Interview with

David Nettleton, FDA Compliance Specialist
Register by phone or need assistance? Call +1-888-717-2436 Register Now Download Brochure

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(One Dial-in One Attendee)

March 05-06, 2025, Virtual Seminar


Group-Max. 10 Attendees

March 05-06, 2025, Virtual Seminar

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Terms & Conditions to Register for the Seminar/Conference/Event

Your registration for the seminar is subject to following terms and conditions. If you need any clarification before registering for this seminar please call us @ +1-888-717-2436 or email us @ [email protected]


Payment is required 2 days before the date of the conference. We accept American Express, Visa and MasterCard. Make checks payable to MetricStream Inc. (our parent company).

Cancellations and substitutions for In-person Seminars:

Written cancellations through fax or email (from the person who has registered for this conference) received at least 10 calendar days prior to the start date of the event will receive a refund - less a $300 administration fee. No cancellations will be accepted - nor refunds issued - within 10 calendar days before the start date of the event.

On request by email or fax (before the seminar) a credit for the amount paid minus administration fees ($300) will be transferred to any future ComplianceOnline event and a credit note will be issued.

Substitutions may be made at any time. No-shows will be charged the full amount.

We discourage onsite registrations, however if you wish to register onsite, payment to happen through credit card immediately or check to be submitted onsite. Conference material will be given on the spot if it is available after distributing to other attendees. In case it is not available, we will send the material after the conference is over.

In the event ComplianceOnline cancels the seminar, ComplianceOnline is not responsible for any airfare, hotel, other costs or losses incurred by registrants. Some topics and speakers may be subject to change without notice.

Cancellations and Substitutions for Virtual Seminars & Webinars:

Written cancellations through fax or email (from the person who has registered for the training) received at least 10 calendar days prior to the start date of the event will receive a refund — less a 30% administration fee. No cancellations will be accepted — nor refunds issued — within 10 calendar days from the start date of the event. On request by email or fax (before the training) a credit for the amount paid minus administration fees (30%) will be transferred to any future ComplianceOnline event and a credit note will be issued. Substitutions may be made at any time. No-shows will be charged the full amount. Some topics and speakers may be subject to change without notice.
  • Early bird seats are limited and based on first-come, first-serve.
  • Multiple offers cannot be combined.
  • Testimonials

    See What People Say About Us

    Really good location with good lunch. This seminar was full of valuable topics.

    System Admin, IT

    This is my first experience with ComplianceOnline and I would definitely attend other seminars.

    Business System Analyst

    It was a knowledgeable seminar. Thanks for inviting me. I will attend upcoming seminars on ISO 13485 and Sterilization validation.

    Director of Quality

    I love to receive your email alerts. It keeps me updated with all valuable trainings. You have variety of offerings.

    Test Engineer

    All topics were informative and interesting. Database validation was the most valuable topic for me as I was hired for this job function. David is excellent and personable speaker; his knowledge and experience provide credibility and exceptional insight. Overall it was a wonderful event. Excellent choice of venue, materials and food was arranged by ComplianceOnline!!!

    Software and Training Support Specialist

    Thanks ComplianceOnline. Your website is very accessible and communicates well. It covers many compliance topics. For this seminar venue was convenient for west cost. Sometimes I cannot travel so attend those trainings online.

    Director, Validation

    David is an excellent instructor, very animated and has a great energy level. He was able to really engage with the attendees.

    Business System Analyst

    David is one of the best presenters I have seen. This subject was well presented by him.

    Manager, IT

    A former attendee of this seminar referred me. David was great with shuns while keeping everybody engaged.

    VP Global CRM & Business Solutions

    It was a great seminar. I like the topic Hazard/Risk Assessment. I do all other validation activities as David presented but didn't evaluate my specs for Risk but I can really see how this will benefit the whole validation process and am definitely adding it.

    Business System Analyst, Documentation

    I literally don't have any suggestions to improve your future seminars. I just love it. The presenter was very entertaining and informative.

    Test Engineer

    Thanks for coordinating this seminar. Customer service was very good, event was well arranged and good meal was a plus.

    Sr. Manager, IT

    I am more confident about ability to carry out Computer System Validation. David provides Comprehensive information in a way that makes sense. He's patient, passionate about what he does, and provides great examples! Thank You, David!

    Director Technical Services

    Thank you ComplianceOnline. Staff was very supportive, good choice of topic and content. Everything was valuable there. Thanks again!

    Director, Agile Systems and Processes

    You made the Complex Simple!!!

    Business Systems Manager

    It’s Great!!! The low and courts approach really put a new perspective on validation. The FDA isn't who you should be worried about.

    Project Engineer

    Lots of information provided during the seminar. Not presented in 'Traditional' Validation training. Not Cook Book.

    Software Quality Assurance

    Loved David's opinions - Made it a rich event. My suggestion to improve future events "please don't change a thing". Very best wishes!!!

    Global Quality Operations Analyst

    David helped us make our software development process efficient and helped us to understand how the regulations affect our customers.

    Software Vendor, Vancouver, BC

    Thanks for finding me and giving me the opportunity to take this session. I like all the topics, especially 21 CFR Part II Compliance. David Nettleton is a phenomenal instructor. The amount of interaction between the participants and presenters is ideal which help us to explore more. I would strongly recommend this seminar.

    Technical Writer

    I can tell David has a lot of experience with computer system validation because David bridged the gap between IT, QA, and Clinical.

    Contract Research Organization, Los Angeles, CA

    After we attended David's training, we implemented the procedures he recommended, and we just had our first FDA inspection with no 483s.

    Pharmaceutical company, San Francisco, CA

    I really enjoyed the class. I thought the information that David Nettleton gave us was real world examples of the way Computer System Validation should be done. I have suggested to a few of my colleagues to review the information that we were given at the Computer System Validation Reduce Costs and Avoid 483.

    Lisa Wyeth

    This was one of, if not the best, most informative, enjoyable trainings I've attended in my 11 year GMP career and I have been to many. David was simply an outstanding presenter. In this class, there was much participation and people learn from other's questions. Overall I had a very positive experience and brought back value to my company.

    Lead Auditor

    I enjoyed the seminar very much. I am hoping to be able to implement some of the things I learned in my own work efforts. I thought David was an excellent facilitator and he kept the pace moving along properly to cover all of the material in time.

    Sr. Validation Engineer

    I thoroughly enjoyed the seminar! The content of the seminar was excellent.

    Associate Director

    Seminar was very interactive and applied real time instances. 10 step process and Hazard Analysis were the most valuable topics for me. The support materials are very useful.

    QA/RA Manager

    I enjoyed the seminar very much. I am hoping to be able to implement some of the things I learned in my own work efforts. I thought David was an excellent facilitator and he kept the pace moving along properly to cover all of the material in time. If I had one criticism, it would be not understanding how I am going to change the culture of mine and other companies that spend so many dollars on validation projects that drag on and on. In David’s world, he can complete a project in a week of planning and implementation; in my world, people spend the first week just letting the concept of a project sink in, and then maybe get started within a month or so. I’d like to be able to expedite projects in the way he has laid out; we’ll see how it goes.

    Sr. Validation Engineer

    Electronic Signature topic was very valuable for me because we are implementing a document management system. The presenter is very knowledgeable; the amount of interaction between the participants and presenters was good.

    Information Technology Specialist

    The course was well prepared. I like the "10 steps of validation" topic, I will apply this to all of my programs. It was great to make new connections, informal conversations with other participants during the networking hours was very beneficial. Speaker was very interactive. I will recommend this course and to others.

    IT Director

    David was a dynamic presenter; I like his answers and interaction immensely. I really liked the session on "Reduction of Cost" and support materials.

    Project Manager

    I really enjoyed the class. I thought the information that David Nettleton gave us was real world examples of the way Computer System Validation should be done. I have suggested to a few of my colleagues to review the information that we were given at the Computer System Validation Reduce Costs and Avoid 483.
    The registration was an easy process. I forwarded the information to our Human Resources and they were able to handle it from the beginning.

    GCP Manager

    I really appreciate the presentation given on topic "The 10 step approach". Overall program was well organized and coordinated. Experience with speaker was good, it was an engaging presentation. Informal conversation with other participant was beneficial.

    Assistant Manager of Technical Development

    This was a very well seminar. The location, the food, the training material were all very much appreciated. David was a very charismatic, knows his stuff and presents the info in a way that making it entertaining.

    Software Quality Manager

    Great dynamics between instructor and participants. The program was well organized and coordinated. Large amount of data was delivered in short time period.

    Engineering Electrical Controls Manager

    Seminar was very good, informative and a lovely speaker making a tedious topic interesting. Overall the subjects are well chosen and the program was well organized and coordinated.

    Director - Global IT Governance

    The training was excellent and I encountered no difficulties either with the registration process or during the event. This was one of the better trainings that I have attended over the years.

    Sr. QA Engineer

    I thoroughly enjoyed the seminar! The content of the seminar was excellent and I would recommend it to others.

    Associate Director, Quality Operations

    This was one of, if not the best, most informative, enjoyable trainings I've attended in my 11 year GMP career and I have been to many. David was simply an outstanding presenter. I think the thing that sets him apart from others, in addition to his obvious expertise and knowledge in computer validation, is that he is what today I feel is rare: a good teacher. David as a teacher is very engaging. The normal nervousness of attendees has little chance of survival in David's class. He breaks through the ice, gets people comfortable and maintains a high level of professionalism. This creates an open atmosphere where people are free to think and ask questions. I generally am not afraid to ask questions and many times I feel alone in that. But in this class, there was much participation and people learn from other's questions. I attribute this to David's personality and approach to getting attendees involved. In terms of improvements, the only thing I would change would be to have the lunch in a room where people could network (i.e. round tables) vs. coming back into the training room where you sat next to one person. The venue itself was great and the food was fantastic. The Ritz Carlton is a great location. Their service was also excellent. Overall I had a very positive experience and brought back value to my company. I just wish I had more of a chance to network with the other attendees, although I did connect with a few.

    Lead Auditor/Sr. Laboratory Compliance Specialist

    It was a very good experience, the presenter had very good knowledge on the topic but I would added more time to perform a “mini validation” using his templates so that more questions will come that will allow us to learn more.
    He explained very well the concepts and gave good examples however is when we do things by our selves that we better understand and make the concepts "ours" The place and lightening was fine, there was no noise interrupting.

    Software Validation Engineer

    I was very confident in David Nettleton's knowledge on the subject matter.

    Research & Development Associate

    I had registered for a seminar but unfortunately I was not able to attend. The company was very understanding and extremely helpful. I plan on attending a future event soon.

    Director of Regulatory Affairs,

    Nickell Physician & Pharmacy Services

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