NEW Reclamation Process - Fed Gov't Payments
Donna K Olheiser
90 Min
Product Id: 706928
Processing ACH Reclamations from the Federal Government can be challenging! Chapter 5 of the Green Book has been updated making it mandatory for Financial Institutions to respond to all reclamations must be submitted through the Automated Reclamation Processing System (ARPS) located in Treasury’s Pay.gov web portal (except for responses by DFAS and any Treasury-approved exceptions). The Nacha Operating Rules still apply when processing these payments but the Green Book outlines exceptions when handling DNEs (Death Notification Entries) and Federal Government Reclamations. A side-by-side comparison of Commercial vs. Government Reclamations will be included to know what the difference is and how to handle each one.

Supply Chain and Product Compliance Using RoHS, REACH, and Conflict Minerals
Kelly Eisenhardt
60 Min
Product Id: 703871
This training program will offer an in-depth look at three important product regulations focused on materials compliance and ethical sourcing, along with the tools and policies needed to implement them.

ACH Government Payment Processing - Handling Death Notification Entries (DNEs) and Reclamations
Donna K Olheiser
90 Min
Product Id: 704540
This 90-minute session will provide the details on what is different and how the Federal Government has adopted the NACHA Operating Rules and what the exceptions to those Rules incorporate for the Federal Government. You will learn what the Green Book is and how this valuable on-line tool will help you with processing DNE’s and Government Reclamations.

2022/2023 NEW Nacha Rules Changes: Discover the Impacts and Develop Strategies for Your Rules Compliance
Donna K Olheiser
90 Min
Product Id: 705048
The Nacha Operating Rules are always changing. With an Operations Bulletin (issued March 2023) regarding updates to the WSUD and details on a RFC (Request for Comment) plus an RFI (Request or Information) – this is a must attend session!

Digital Payments 2022 - The Payments Industry and the Future
Stanley Epstein
120 Min
Product Id: 704753
This webinar examines the current state of the payments industry - from the complexity of the current payments landscape, the growing range of bank and non-bank participants, the ever-increasing range of payments methods, interfaces and systems, open banking, regulation and the future payments scene. We also look at how the COVID-19 pandemic has and will continue to affect payments.

Recurring Deficiencies in Compilations and Reviews and How to Avoid Them - SSARS Procedures, Reports and Accounting Matters
Christy Foister
60 Min
Product Id: 704538
This webinar will discuss common deficiencies that are discovered in compilation and review engagements, as a result of peer review. It will explain the difference between minor deficiencies and major deficiencies. Instructor will discuss how to avoid these common mistakes and what the most common deficiencies are.

AML High-Risk Transactions - Identify, Manage and Resolve
Jim George
90 Min
Product Id: 704792
This webinar will discuss the techniques for controlling and managing High Risk Transaction. The Instructor will discuss the parameters for identifying and qualifying transactions as high risk and process and communication to be followed. He will also discuss how to resolve the end result.

Identity Issues in Banking - After the Breach, 26 Red Flags and More
Jim George
60 Min
Product Id: 704664
This webinar training helps attendees to understand the problems with 26 Red flags released by federal regulators in regards to identity fraud. The instructor will discuss how to create and implement the fraud control program and Identity solutions to combat ID theft and reduce future losses.

Payments Fraud: Detect and Prevent Check, ACH and P-Card Schemes
Peter Goldmann
90 Min
Product Id: 704774
This training program will examine vendor/billing schemes that exploit payments process control weaknesses; latest electronic payments schemes (ACH hijacking, spear-phishing, social engineering); check counterfeiting, forgery and tampering schemes to be aware of; and, detecting common external payments schemes versus internal attacks.

Measuring and Driving Success in AP and Procurement Operations with KPIs
Brian G Rosenberg
60 Min
Product Id: 704767
Key Performance Indicators and Metrics provide your AP or Procurement operation with vital information that you can use to measure success and drive process improvement. In this webinar we will discuss how to create a culture of continuous improvement within your operation using metrics.

SOX: Internal Controls for Accounts Payable
Mike Morley
60 Min
Product Id: 700323
This Internal Controls for Accounts Payable webinar will provide you with the tools you need to establish and maintain strong internal controls in the A/P department that meet Sarbanes-Oxley standards.

Analyzing IFRS Financial Statements - What’s the Difference?
Mike Morley
60 Min
Product Id: 704558
This training program will answer questions related to IFRS financial statements and compare them to GAAP based statements using numbers from examples that come from every-day life. The course will also analyze the four key principles of IFRS and the cash flow statement, and discuss using financial statement notes to decode the numbers.

Refresher for Bankers: Accounting Crash Course - All You Need to Know
David L Osburn
60 Min
Product Id: 704608
This training program will provide the banker with an effective overview of the basics/refresher of accounting. With the tools reviewed in this webinar, the often complex world of accounting will be presented in a straight-forward and useful manner. This is a must for all bankers looking to improve their knowledge of the vital discipline of accounting.

Operational Risk Scenario Analysis
Mario Mosse
90 Min
Product Id: 703751
Scenario analysis complements the risk assessment process, which often overlooks material events that only happen infrequently, such as natural disasters, acts of terrorism, and data breaches. This webinar will highlight the importance of scenario analysis, its objectives and expected benefits, and the ideal methodology for quantifying and reporting operational risk scenarios.

Best Practices to Prevent Fraud: Understanding the Trends, Threats and Strategies
Jim George
60 Min
Product Id: 704782
Fraudsters are always looking for new opportunities and new weaknesses. The availability of customer data on the black-market gives them just the tools they need. A bank has responsibilities to its shareholders and customers to protect them from these ever-changing threats.
This webinar will furnish attendees with a complete understanding of the changes in the fraud arena and the strategies needed to combat fraud.

Fair Debt Collection Practices Act - FDCPA, FCRA, Easily-Broken HIPAA, Civil Liability, Bad Check Laws, Promissory Notes, Mini-Miranda Warning
David Sanders
90 Min
Product Id: 704686
In this fast-paced and informative training program, attendees will learn exactly what violates the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) and other laws that lead to costly fines and judgments. The program will also overview consumer vs. commercial bankruptcy and the differences between Chapter 7, 11 and 13.

Is Your Compliance Program Due for an Update?
Jim Kandler
60 Min
Product Id: 705085
This training program will highlight common issues that occur over time with material compliance programs, and demonstrate how to address them. This can result in a more effective and responsive material compliance effort for your company.

Achieving Sustainability Results with ISO 26000
Kelly Eisenhardt
60 Min
Product Id: 705079
The International Standards Organization (ISO) defined the ISO 26000 guideline for the use and planning of all structured, measured, and monitored social responsibility programming. This standard enables companies to initiate and track performance of CSR programs by focusing on the triple bottom line (TBL) - people, planet, and profit. This training program will offer in depth look at the key components of the ISO 26000 guideline and best practices to implement and support a social responsibility program.

Sarbanes-Oxley Act Section 404: How to Establish an Effective Internal Controls System
David Sanders
90 Min
Product Id: 704395
This webinar will enhance your knowledge of SOX Section 404 (Sarbanes-Oxley Act Section 404) by helping you understand the elements of an internal controls system. Internal controls are a key part of any organization's continued growth, performance and success. With fraud at an all-time high, a well-designed internal control structure will enhance operations by improving your department's overall security and effectiveness. SOX Section 404 mandates that all publicly-traded companies must establish internal controls and procedures for financial reporting and must document, test and maintain those controls and procedures to ensure their effectiveness.

Record Retention and Destruction Compliance
David Sanders
90 Min
Product Id: 704445
This training program will offer attendees an understanding of record schedule defensibility and best practices to take steps toward improvements. The IRS states entities need to be fully informed of the code relating to Record Retention and Destruction to determine what records are necessary to stay in compliance or face fines. According to IRS and state statistics of the entities audited over the past three years, 82% could not supply adequate records to pass an audit - resulting in substantial fines for non-compliance.