Kenneth S. Weinberg
Product ID: 702177
Why Should You Attend:
Those responsible for maintaining filling out and recording injuries and illnesses are often confused by what should and should not be included in the OSHA recordkeeping forms. Over-reporting injuries and illnesses can be as serious as under-reporting injuries and illnesses, and can even lead to uncomfortable OSHA inquiries or even inspections. It is also difficult to know how to accurately account for time lost due to injuries and illnesses, especially in the case of a part-time work force. This webinar will help clarify what should be reported as an injury or illness, as well as how to account correctly for lost work time.
Many employers are also confused by which forms should be used to initially report injuries and illness, and those that should be used for submission to OSHA or the proper reporting agency. This session will discuss these and in addition, suggestions will be offered for maintaining confidentiality of the OSHA Injury and Illness data.
Areas Covered in the Seminar:
This seminar will help those tasked with filling out and maintaining OSHA Injury and Illness logs in the following:
Who Will Benefit:
Those who will benefit from this webinar includes those who are new to the process of filling injury and illness logs, as well as
Dr. Kenneth S. Weinberg , B.A., M.Sc. Ph.D. is an independent consultant who has worked as the Director of Safety in a large teaching hospital in the Boston Area. Both as a consultant and as a safety director, he has dealt with the issues of accurately recording and reporting injuries and illnesses, and has had first hand experience in dealing with OSHA. He has alsom written several books on the topic of safety and dealing with OSHA.
Topic Background:
OSHA requires that businesses maintain a running account of injuries and illness that occur in the workplace. The logs must be completely and accurately filled in and completed. At the end of the year, these figures must be reported to OSHA or other report collection agencies t0o determine if the rate of injuries and illnesses falls within the norm for that industry sector. Although not a recommended practice, some businesses use these figures as a measure of the success or failure of their safety programs. Over reporting injuries and illnesses or under reporting such numbers can result in problems, both internally in a company, as well as with the regulatory agency. Accurate reporting is imperative, and is a good tool to use in determining problem areas in the company’s business operation.
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